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Entries in indie (2)


Episode 23: “Congrizzle 4evzzz” by The Very Most

For this episode of Low Elo I wanted something upbeat and happy sounding. I combed through the collection and came accross something with such strong power pop sound that it made me vomit a rainbow.

The Very Most are an indie pop band led by Jeremy Jensen and founded in 2002 in Boise, Idaho. Influenced by Camera Obscura, The Beach Boys, and the poppier side of Built to Spill, they were, until a year ago, the only indie-pop band in this Mountain West town of around 200,000 people. Naturally they were a little lonely. Thank goodness for ye olde internets, which has allowed them to make lasting, important connections with like-minded pop enthusiasts from around the world.

Download “Congrizzle 4evzzz” by The Very Most


Episode 5: "Monkey Said" by The Freak Fandango Orchestra

For episode 5, Low Elo brings a Spanish act to the League of Legends stage.

The Freak Fandango Orchestra is a multi-ethnic band from Barcelona (Spain). Their music is a explosive mixture of folk, polka, gypsy music from the Balkans and punk-rock. The band is formed by six musicians (guitar, bass, drums, violin, saxophone and accordion). They are influenced by artists like "Emir Kusturica And The No Smoking Orchestra", "Goran Bregović" and "Gogol Bordello". The freak fandango orchestra has arrived to town, so move your ass, drink some beer, sing, dance, jump and enjoy their punky-folky songs and crazy lyrics!

Download "Monkey Said" by The Freak Fandango Orchestra