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Low Elo Podcast EP. 13 - Age of Assassins

The League of Legends eSports scene is changing and the "amature pro" age is coming to an end. Team Solo Mid has geared up with a new coach who is busy nursing their jungler back to health. The pro scene is all about the roaming game so grab an assassin and start practicing because there's about to be a brand new place for our favorite sources of mid-game burst damage. We also confirm once again that LuLu is a big bag of (diverse) murder that is just so much fun to play and for the first time, we put the game to you listeners.

If you had to pick a League of Legends champion for your new eSports coach, which champion would it be?

Email Jeff, Dave or Christian, leave a comment on the site or check out our twitter feeds @EatGamer and @lowelodave with your comments, ideas or answers to our weekly game.

Download Low Elo Episode 13