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Entries in Draven (2)


Low Elo Podcast EP. 25 - Robot With A 12 Pack

Jeff is back for this episode of Low Elo: the League of Legends Podcast for the Players and it is good. This week is all about MLG Anaheim and the results of this latest, greatest eSports event. We also talk about what we've learned from MLG Anaheim, what the competition has in store, Compy's thoughts on Draven and Olaf's broversized OPness.

Download Low Elo Episode 25


Low Elo Podcast EP. 24 - Compy Does Everything

Now that the world may experience an entire DAY of Low Elo if they wished, Jeff takes it easy in LA while at E3, Christian and Rin are up to their old tricks, and COMPY does everything. That's right, Mr. Whoever Sent the Email That Said Compy does Nothing....COMPY386 (aka. Dave) is doing everything for this episode. I edited it, uploaded, heck, I'm even writing this description. 

Draven launches on to the scene and there's some major drama in the European Esports scene for League of Legends. Draven, booth babes, E3, Emails and more in episode 24 of the most awesomest League of Legends podcast in the land, Low Elo. 

Be sure to tune in Wed. and Sat. nights starting at 7:00pm EST for Shoutcasting from IceDarkKnight and Teemo Tactics, and send us emails or


Low Elo EP. 24 - Compy Does Everything