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Entries in master yi (2)


Low Elo Podcast EP. 82 - Master Yi Machine

This week on Low Elo: The League of Legends Podcast for the players Jeff thinks he is Dave! Also, the crew talks about jungle changes, learning new champions and the new and (overly?) improved Master Yi.

We also welcome this episodes sponsor, Audible! Check them out and help us out by picking up your free audio book at We're seriously huge fans of theirs and you should check them out.

This week we ask for queue tips for Tryndamere! Send those along with your art, around the world updates, pictures and thoughts to

You can reach the hosts of this episode on twitter at @EatGamer,@LowEloDave and @ctfelts.

This week's musical track is Daddies Boy Glitch by Sumgii.

Download Low Elo Episode 82


Real Summoners of Genius - Mr. Backdoor Yi Only Player


The video here was recorded in an actual game. Jeff was playing backdoor Yi without even knowing I had already recorded the audio portion of this Real Summoners of Genius. :)